Summer is here, and that means, Jandals, beach time, running around in bare feet and dry feet with potentially some horrible cracks in your souls.
So here are a couple of my favorite things to do, to keep my feet in good condition in between the best pedicures.
- Have a piece of pumice or a foot buffer in the shower, use this once or twice a week towards the end of your shower. This will help keep the dry skin off your heals and those pressure points.
- Get a really good gritty scrub, like Pure Fiji Sugar Scrub. You can use this after you buff your feet, or twice a week in between your buffing. Give your feet a really good scrub, focusing on heals and those areas where dry skin accumulates.
- If you like to sit and relax, fill a bucket with warm water and epsom salts. This helps keep your feet clean and kills any bugs, but as epsom salts are high in magnesium, this gets absorbed in through your skin and makes you relax and feel amazing.
- Find yourself a thick, delicious body butter, like Pure Fiji Body Butter. Lather this on your feet, and put socks on. Leave it for about an hour, and relax. You will find the body butter will absorb into your feet and hydrate them.
- Keep your toenails tidy. Summer means your hair and nails can grow super quick. So keeping your toe nails short and tidy, will save them from breaking or from hurting your other toes.
We have been providing Auckland's best pedicures since 2010. We believe that our pedicures should be a real treat, as well as providing you with an amazing pedicure.
Amber xx